Why Look Outside Your Organization for Training?

Learn | Practice | Reflect internally

Axiom | Leadership Teams, Team Restoration

Instead of seeking external solutions, bring Axiom’s expertise directly into your organization. We customize leadership development programs to be 100% relevant to your specific needs and your people.

We tailor our approach to work in real-time, within actual roles, tackling real issues. Each program is branded with your logo and referencing your tools/processes to ensure it integrates seamlessly with your other internal offerings.

Research, including studies from the Harvard Business Review, shows that in-house learning opportunities (as opposed to those outsourced) are far more effective. Remarkably, organizations spend an estimated $356 billion annually on leadership development programs that fail to deliver expected results.

Do you need funding for your leadership development? Axiom is recognized by The Canada-Ontario Job Grant program as an eligible provider – this grant may cover up to 83% of your costs. Ask us how.

Axiom focuses on 3 areas of leadership development

Leading Others, Leading Self, and Leading Results

Leading Others:

  • The Coach Leader
  • Enhanced Communications (DISC)
  • Resolving Conflict
  • Delegation for Development
  • Engaging Leadership
  • The Gift of Feedback
  • Recognition Rich Cultures
  • Trusting Teams

Leading Self:

  • Empathetic Leadership
  • Giving Feedback – getting over our internal barriers
  • Leadership Excellence through Self-Awareness
  • Key Trust Behaviours
  • Time & Priority Management
  • Values-Based Leadership

Leading Results:

  • Cultures of Collaboration
  • Disciplines of Execution
  • Leading Hybrid Teams
  • Beyond Performance Management
  • Recognition Rich Cultures
  • Resourceful Mindsets
  • Attaining Results

Are you achieving your leadership vision?

Contact Axiom to discuss how we can help your leaders, and your organization, excel!